
210 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 8 days
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The work is the first mythical horror novel of Azerbaijan. I want to share the feelings I experienced while reading the work, so that people who want to experience these feelings can come and read the work with enthusiasm. First, there are a lot of certain symbols in the work. First you say a symbol, then you understand what that symbol means. It's like putting together a puzzle. Then the main point that I noticed is that the author tried to show his characters as sincere as possible. He even presented the words of the characters speaking with a dialect to the reader as they spoke. In a word, I liked the work, rather, I think the author took his work very seriously. However, since I have no interest in this type of works in general, if I give a score of over 10, I probably won't give a very high score. But if there are those who like to read in the genre of mythical horror, I am sure they will definitely like this book.
Sancaqlı Kölgələr və Leyla Xuni
Sancaqlı Kölgələr və Leyla XuniXan · Picmus · 201641 okunma
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