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Tell me, is there anyone other than me who knows that love means loving you? Hello dear booklovingherkesfamily, today I came with a great suggestion for poetry lovers. I came with a book that smelled of old gramapon papers printed years ago and came to life in the hands of who knows who came before me. @bunyanantiksahaf1 I shop with confidence when it comes to second hand books, you can shop with confidence too. I wondered if this book had been waiting in a corner of which library for the day it would be read. I started by reading one or two poems of Ümit Yaşar Oğuzcan every day, and each day he influenced us more and more with his poems... He makes me experience sadness, longing, love and affection so deeply in his poems... Until today, I want to put aside the sadness of knowing him late and just enjoy it in the shadow of what he makes me feel in each line... As a poetry lover, I don't know if my words will be enough to describe you, but I remain silent after the last poem I read... Whenever your hands touch my hands, that's when my human heart beats. Loneliness leaves me at that time. It drags me to the world of that light. Your hands pick me up one by one. Whatever is left of my old self. It fills me with love, hope, love. If my water is drained and my heart is empty. My gaze suddenly changes from the happiness you give, the light you offer. I start to re-wrap a ball... What is your favorite Ümit Yaşar Oğuzcan line? Come on comments
İki Kişiye Bir Dünya
İki Kişiye Bir DünyaÜmit Yaşar Oğuzcan · Bilgi Yayınları · 1958514 okunma
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