
628 syf.
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And what did I read? For God's sake, what is this book? A woman's fantasy diary? I could only endure the 100th page of the book, and those 100 pages made me nauseous enough. Are you a criminal organization or a fantasy group? I'm trying hard not to swear. Officially, the author created the dominant man that he wanted to realize but could not realize, and put himself into the girl character. No one should read such a thing, it is extremely disgusting. Part II I kept going just because I've left so many books unfinished these days, but I continued by skipping the parts that were nauseating. I kind of skipped 90% of the book. I hope he doesn't have a buyer, I hope he doesn't.
The Ritual
The RitualShantel Tessier · ‎Independently published · 202114 okunma
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