
“Mo Xi coughed blood, suppressing the shattered sobs in his throat, suddenly closing his eyes with a shiver. Tears escaped his eyes, flowing out unstoppably down his cheeks—he had almost collapsed. Back then, what must Gu Mang have..... felt? Clearly, he had just sworn a xiongzhang, only getting to call him dage so few times in his life before having to send him to the gallows. Clearly, he knew his dage was innocent, was falsely accused, but couldn't exonerate him or tell anyone the truth. When Gu Mang smiled as he swore and kowtowed towards Lu Zhanxing, what was he feeling... What flesh injury on earth could hurt more than the sorrow of being a spy? Knowledge that couldn’t be said, love that couldn’t be told. A pair of hands..... stained with the blood of his brothers, his comrades, against his will. Watching as the demons and beasts around him devastated the nation he used to protect, but still having to laugh, and shout, 'how delightful!' Hearing from his motherland the wailing of civilians, the crying of infants, the enraged shouting of soldiers, but still having to put on an indestructible mask, unable to shed a single tear[…]”
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