
Futility. Futility shapes the world. History is a story of futilities, progress is a sequence of futilities. “Development!” says the futurist. “Loss,” says the rebel. “Hangover!” shouts the moralist from the back row. “Failure,” says the angry rebel. “Time is grey,” he says. The Creator’s failure is an introduction to the era. (...) Who was supposed to know? Good people from all over the world came together. Teachers, writers, and migrant workers huddle in trenches… young soldiers desert their units. What beautiful songs they sing! Brave children are history’s favourites, so it seems to them, and they wave white flags with silver horned crowns. And they lose. Coups are crushed. Anarchists are piled into mass graves on the Great Blue. Communists, beaten back from the isola of Graad, retreat to Samara and become a degenerate worker’s state ruled by bureaucrats.
Sayfa 34 - Unofficial English TranslationKitabı okudu
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