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Seriyi bitirdim ve tarifsiz duygular içindeyim :’( Apollo’nun 11, Jacks’in 5 bölümü olması başlı başına hayal kırıklığı yaşatsa da, Jacks kendi kitabında yan karakter gibi kalsa da ben bu seriyi ve bu çifti çok ama çok seviyorum (aşklarından ağladığım sahneler oldu :’() ve Eva ve Jacks için 5 veriyorum. ******** “I am a monster, but whether you remember it or not, I’m your monster, Evangeline.” “Please, Little Fox, remember.” “Jacks had been the moon and she’d been the tide, controlled by his impossible force.” “I’ve made my decision, Jacks. It’s you. It will always be you, until the end of time. And I’ll fight fate or anyone else who tries to tear us apart—including you. You are my choice. You are my love. You are mine. And you are not going to be the end of me, Jacks.” “I love you,” he said simply. Then his face went abruptly serious. “I’m never going to let you out of my sight.”
A Curse For True Love
A Curse For True LoveStephanie Garber · Flatiron · 0254 okunma
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