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Let us follow Sayyid Qutb from his own pen: "The author of these lines is a person who spent forty years of his life reading. During this period, his first duty was to read and study the maximum part of various human sciences. He worked both professionally and amateurly in the fields of science. Then, when he returned to the sources of his own belief and culture, he observed with astonishment how weak everything he had read was compared to this magnificent structure. Actually it should have been like that. But he did not burn with the forty years of his life spent on this path. Because those forty years taught him the truth of ignorance, its perversion, feebleness, lack of intelligence, and its characteristics such as boastfulness, boasting, delusion and pretense. He knew for certain that it would not be possible for a Muslim to combine these two sources and obtain them. However, what I have recorded in this passage is not my own opinion. Essentially, personal opinion has no place in this matter. In the scales of truth, it weighs much more than the Muslim's own opinion; because it is the word of Allah (cc) and His Prophet (pbuh). In this matter, we make him the arbitrator and we appeal to Allah and His Messenger, just like the believers who appeal to Allah and His Messenger in matters in which they differ..."
Sayfa 9 - Cağaloğlu Yayınevi
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