
Erhan bir yorumu yanıtladı.
The desert creeps in on a man's land. Not a fellah, but he does own some  land. Did own. From a boy, he has repaired the wall, mortared, carried stone  heavy as he, lifted, set in place. Still the desert comes. Is the wall a  traitor, letting it in? Is the boy possessed by a djinn who makes his hands  do the work wrong? Is the desert's attack too powerful for any boy, or wall,  or dead father and mother? No. The desert moves in. It happens, nothing else. No djinn in the boy, no  treachery in the wall, no hostility in the desert. Nothing. Soon, nothing. Soon only the desert. The two goats must choke on sand,  nuzzling down to find the white clover. He, never to taste their soured milk  again. The melons die beneath the sand. Never more can you give comfort in  the summer, cool abdelawi, shaped like the Angel's trumpet! The maize dies  and there is no bread. The wife, the children grow sick and short-tempered.  The man, he, runs one night out to where the wall was, begins to lift and  toss imaginary rocks about, curses Allah, then begs forgiveness from the  Prophet, then urinates on the desert, hoping to insult what cannot be  insulted. They find him in the morning a mile from the the house, skin blued, shivering in  a sleep which is almost death, tears turned to frost on the sand. And now the house begins to fill with desert, like the lower half of an  hourglass which will never be inverted again. What does a man do?
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Bu kitabın çoğu pasajı bana Blood Meridian’ı hatırlatıyor. Bu da onlardan biri. O romana da bir göz atmanı tavsiye ederim.
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Aslında Mccarthy Pynchon'a göre fazla ciddi. Thomas Pynchon'ın eserlerinde böyle kısımlarolsa da , çoğu yerde olaylara had safhada ironik yaklaşıyor. Ama Blood Meridian'ı okumadım evet, bakacağım tabii. Çok teşekkürler.
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For Turkish press 7
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