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When I have a lot to do, reading small books helps me relax a lot. In this book, Plato described his teacher Socrates' speech in which he defended himself in court where he was accused of atheism and leading the youth astray. It is true that the issues of whether these writings are really the words of Socrates or whether such a person really existed in history are disputed. I'm putting this aside... I come to the thoughts of Socrates... These thoughts were extremely similar to my views on life and people. Whether about death, or about illiterate, unjust people... The meaning of life is not in wealth or money, but in self-development, self-respect, says Socrates. In short, I loved it... In the end, the fate of Socrates was actually a clear reflection of how society is blind to reality and justice.
Sokrates'in Savunması
Sokrates'in Savunması
Platon (Eflatun)
Platon (Eflatun)
Sokrates'in Savunması
Sokrates'in SavunmasıPlaton (Eflatun) · Parodi Yayınları · 201953.1k okunma
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Əllərinizə sağlıq, İncələməniz maraq oyatdı kitaba qarşı, "ölmədən öncə mütləq oxuyacaqlarım" siyahısına əlavə olundu)😅🤗
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Təşəkkür edirəm, indidən xoş oxumalar🙏✨
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Diğer baskılara baktım, sanırım onlarda sayfa sayısının fazla olması bir kitapın içinde birden fazla Platon hikayesinin mevcutluğu
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