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After reading this book, old feelings and thoughts came to my eyes. Running out of the house early in the morning to go to the university... Trees blooming around the Academy of Sciences... My denim jacket and black bag :)... That class where I passed and sat quietly despite the teacher's every word when I was two minutes late to the lecture hall. ... I got acquainted with this book thanks to an acquaintance who lost his mother at a very young age in the third year. This acquaintance, who gave me the book at 11 in the morning, took it from me at 3 in the afternoon. And in the end, I could only read a few pages. But I never resented him. The reason is that there is a little child's enthusiasm in buying the book from me and "that" sparkle in his eyes. "I fell in love," he said and continued, "Hey... He wants this book." I just smiled and held out the book. I never resented him ;) Then for many years "I will read!" Even if I said, there was no turn. Years later, it was very difficult to find the book. Was it worth it? The book is "On" by Aziz Yagubzade. Contrary to what I thought, the book is not just about romantic feelings, but as much as every love is painful, they will end one day. I won't go into too much detail so read for yourself) 🪻In the end, "I am satisfied, @azizyagubzade"
Əziz Yaqubzadə
Əziz Yaqubzadə
OnaƏziz Yaqubzadə · Xan Nəşriyyatı · 201585 okunma
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