
“Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.” Breaking free of our desire for consistency and certainty is not always easy to do—and that goes for anyone—so it’s helpful to break things down. Shake off your sense of surety. It may be uncomfortable at first, but you will adjust and actually find yourself more uncomfortable with those who profess certainty at all times. Listen to the views and arguments of the ‘other side’ with patience. Ask questions. Take time to find and understand evidence from reliable sources. Be wary of certainty, but let those who are open about (and better yet, can quantify) their own uncertainties earn your confidence. “Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd,” Voltaire once said. And remember: if you are wrong, be brave, be noble, and admit it—and value others who have the courage and integrity to do the same.
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