
205 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 6 days
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I liked the book very much, in fact, considering the number of pages, it is a book that can be read and finished in 2 days, and it took me a little longer :) The topics of the book are really great, it includes Hz. It is given for Ömer's justice and his life is told, albeit briefly. Of course, it doesn't stop there; It is a wonderful work that deals with the life stories of Sultans, the wars won during the Seljuk and Ottoman periods, and how they happened. Sultan Alparslan's life and the Seljuk period, Fatih Sultan Mehmed Khan's conquest of Istanbul, the dethronement of Capital Abdulhamid, and many more... It is a short and concise narrative. I really liked how understandable it was. I definitely recommend it to those who are going to read it or are considering reading it. Note: Listen to Caterpillar, you won't regret it ;)
EmirMümin Munis · Mostar Yayınları · 2015119 okunma
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