
Necip G. yorumladı.
382 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 8 days
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I read this wonderful novel, which has been in my library for more than a year and which I have not been able to read even though I had the opportunity to read classics, thanks to our dear teacher
Necip G.
Necip G.
#28167510 (discover different genres activity). First of all, I would like to thank him for making this possible. It was the first book of the author that I read. And after the book was finished, I learned on the back page that this was the 2nd book of the series, and I was very disappointed and sad to be honest... I had to read
first and then move on to the playful... Approximately from the 250th page, the horror is gripping! You don't understand how fast the pages go by... As the man ran away, I felt like I was running next to him, out of breath. This must be how I read breathlessly :) A book full of twists and turns... We have suffered the biggest evil, the biggest blow from the people closest to us, the people who know us well. Undoubtedly, you understand this better in the book. (Who is the murderer?) I missed reading this kind of books... I do not agree with the text on the back cover of the book, "You have to be very brave to read it when you are alone at home." On the contrary, I found it funny. It is a detective book in the style of psychological thriller that has nothing to do with horror. Stay healthy..
OyunbazWulf Dorn · Pegasus Yayınları · 20164,669 okunma
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Ben teşekkür ederim Pınar Hanım katkınız için:) Sıralamayı kaçırmak gibi bir talihsizlik olmuş ama sanırım sizi etkilememiş. Zaten bu tarz kitapların her biri seri olsa dahi kendi içinde sürükleyici oluyor. Ben de bazen aralarda polisiye kitaplar alıyorum elime. Eğer iyi bir kitaba denk gelmişsem, ne kadar kalın olursa olsun bir çırpıda bitiyor:) Film seyreder gibi:) Kaleminize sağlık Pınar Hanım:) Sağlıcakla kalın... Keyifli okumalar...
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Elinize, emeğinize sağlık Efenim.... Kaçırmadık, aldık {Ç News}'e. :))
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:D ben de psikiyatristten önce fobiyi okumuştum:\ büyük pişmanlık ama gerçekten de iyi bir yazar olduğunu düşünüyorum Dorn un:) bir kitabnı da beraber okuyalm:) eline sağlk:)
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Bunu birlikte okuyalımm :))
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