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Necip Fazıl Kısakürek, who started writing plays upon Muhsin Ertuğrul's request, is most productive in theatre. He has about 15-20 works, and one of the most well-known and successful ones is the play Para. The play was written in 1941 and staged by Muhsin Ertuğrul and was watched by many people. Thereupon, Peyami Safa, one of the many people with whom Necip Fazıl was in conflict, claimed that the work was plagiarized, and Necip Fazıl Kısakürek filed a lawsuit and demanded proof. Peyami Safa does R beautifully in court. It's funny that this attribution was made by Peyami Safa, who wrote the book Atilla, which is a plagiarism of Marcel Brion's novel of the same name. The play, consisting of 5 acts, tells the story of a bank boss, whose religious belief is money, who considers everything permissible to earn money, who adopts immorality and adopts immorality, and his family, employees and friends, who are tested with money, and how money is something that shows and reveals people's inner faces. The course of the book and the fate of its main character reminded me of another play by the author, Reis Bey and Parmaksız Salih. Necip Fazıl's style in story flow is generally like this, you will understand what I mean when you read the book. Necip Fazıl reflects his own experiences and changes in his works.
ParaNecip Fazıl Kısakürek · Büyük Doğu Yayınları · 2016807 okunma
Zeyneb Öztürk okurunun profil resmi
Elinize sağlık Salih Bey. Ben Necip Fazıl'ın Peyami Safa ile kavgalı olduğunu ve dava mevzunu bilmiyordum, şaşırdım galiba:) Bir de R yapmak??
Salih okurunun profil resmi
Peyami Safa Necip Fazıl Kısakürek'in Büyük Doğu dergisinde yazı yazıyor, sonra anlaşamayıp yollarını ayırıyorlar, daha sonra fikir ve siyasi farklılıklardan dolayı köşe yazılarıyla atışıyorlar çokça. Necip Fazıl'ın kavgacı kişiliği malum fakat bilinmeyen Peyami Safa'nın da kavgacı ve siyasi bir yanı vardır. Sadece Necip Fazıl'la değil Server Bedi müstear ismiyle Nazım Hikmet'le de çokça kavga vermiştir. Hatta Nazım için af tartışılırken aleyhe kampanya başlatmıştır. R yapmaya gelirsek, geri vites :)
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