
"...Now, blow your nose. The sniffling’s making me crazy.” I held up the hankie. “I can’t. It’s too nice.” I sniffed again.“Are you serious?” He snapped the hankie from me and draped it over his palm. He put it over my nose. It had his dry, foggy smell. “Blow,” he said.I looked at him over the silk fabric, and he looked back at me, tilting his head as if waiting impatiently for me to blow my nose into his hankie-covered palm. The corners of his mouth curled ever so slightly. He was trying not to laugh. “Come on now,” he said, squeezing my nose. I couldn’t hold it in. I burst out laughing. He laughed too, even as he said, “Blow already.” “I can’t when I’m laughing.” “Stop laughing then.” He was a poor salesman for not laughing, of course, as he was mid-crackup.I took the hankie back and turned away from him. I blew my nose right into that really nice, embroidered accessory, folded it, and blew again before turning back to him. He leaned back on the bench, his arm around the top of it. Streetlamps reflected blue on his cheeks and the tips of his hair. His finger brushed my bare shoulder. “Do you want this back?” I said, trying not to laugh all over again. “Keep it.”
Sayfa 60 - CreateSpace, bu kitabın en eğlenceli ve en güzel sahnesi burası... Gerçekten Reiss sen de çok başkasın, böyle samimi bir sahne beklemiyordum **
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