
When you're reading a book sometimes when you finish a page you realize it's almost like you didnt read that page at all. Your eyes were following the lines but it's as if you were not really there. That's because you indeed were absent. Your body was there but not "you". Not the Gezen (wanderer in English) Gezen (wanderer) was away. But it's like a compass. Gezen (wanderer) has two legs. One can go out and wander. The other leg is fixed inside the body. So, say, 80%, 90% of you may leave but at least some of it is left inside. And that part is enough to do the reading. But when you read with 10%, 5%, you dont get to "understand" what you read. It's just your eyes gazing. So when the Wanderer (you) is inside the body, which is what we call as "when you are home", then you "see" and you "understand"
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