
989 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
It is a GREAT book, and not ordinary. The writing style of author is good and easy to read and understand. The story is very interesting and author can make impression on readers. I think the main message of book might be "DO NOT label, criticize, judge people, and live your life without considering others ideas". Clay is the one of the main characters who lives concerning about others opinions, at the end of book he might overcome this weakness.
Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons WhyJay Asher · 20183,632 okunma
Murad Kazımov okurunun profil resmi
Pre intermediate levelde okumak olur mu kitabı?
Orazbayramov okurunun profil resmi
biraz zor gelebilir ama genel olarak kitabın dili kolay.(sözlük kullanılarak okunablilir diye düşünüyorum) inglizce geliştirmek amaçlı okumayı düşünüyorsan "The boy in the stripped pyjamas" bu kitapla veya benzer kitaplarla başlaman bence daha iyi olur
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