
180 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
4 günde okudu
5/5 Stars (%88/100) I've read the Turkish edition before and absolutely loved it. I believe it was my first book by Zelazny. Now that I'm reading it in the original language and that I know Zelazny's style, I can appreciate it even more. I admit it is still not as good as Lord of Light but man that book is phenomenal. This Immortal revolves around a mysterious named man Conrad Nomikos who has an interesting past he rather not talk about and he is apparently the Art Commissioner of Earth. An alien comes to Earth and Conrad is his guide. However, everything changes when someone tries to assassinate the alien and Conrad saves him. Conrad's character is brilliant in my opinion. Zelazny himself also admits that he is like a prototype for Sam from Lord of Light meaning he is both supernatural and well ordinary. The identity of Conrad is an ambiguity in the book. He might Great God Pan or a kallikantzaros (a type of goblin) or none of them or both, we don't know and that's the beauty of it. There are a lot of things going on in the story but you can't help but wonder about Conrad's true identity. The ending of the book is also brilliant. I'd definitely recommend it to everyone.
This Immortal
This ImmortalRoger Zelazny · iBooks · 2011526 okunma
76 görüntüleme
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