
Heterodoks İktisadın Gözünde Bir Değer Olarak Ticaret
“ Kapitalist sistemde ticaretin, uğruna her şeyini feda edilmesi gereken en önemli değer olarak görülmesi, küresel meta zincirlerinin bir tür sömürü aracı olduğu gerçeğini maskeler. .. Ticaret ancak ve ancak toplum açısından refah yaratıyorsa değerlidir.* ” *N. Chomsky, “Medya, Küreselleşme ve Şiddet Üzerine”
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Sol iktisadın bu akıl yürütme şekliyle toplumsal bir refah kapısı oluşturan ticaret örneği; “ From the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, about 10 million African slaves were imported to America. About 70 per cent of them worked on the sugar plantations. Labour conditions were abominable. Most slaves lived a short and miserable life, and millions more died during wars waged to capture slaves or during the long voyage from inner Africa to the shores of America. All this so that Europeans could enjoy their sweet tea and candy – and sugar barons could enjoy huge profits. ... Throughout the eighteenth century the yield on slave-trade investments was about 6 per cent a year – they were extremely profitable, as any modern consultant would be quick to admit. ... The Industrial Revolution that swept through Europe enriched the bankers and capital-owners, but condemned millions of workers to a life of abject poverty. “ -Y.N.Harari, Homo Sapiens
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