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İstanbul ve Adnan Menderes yıkımları
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. It is a good book to create a sense of history, as a matter of fact, I was following the author's social media accounts with interest. He explained how we do not know the value of Istanbul and especially how the Adnan Menderes Demolitions flattened a whole history. What a shame, I felt sorry for myself while reading it and even cursed at times. When I went to Bosnia, I could not understand how Sarajevo, which we ruled for 400 years, was a more historical place than our cities. Now I understand. However, to be honest, I was expecting a more comprehensive book. Although the photos were very nice, I found the content a bit weak. Readable. To Check Out Our Youtube Page with Etymology Content ↓ youtube.com/channel/UCf5PEm...
Kaybolan Tarihin Peşinde
Kaybolan Tarihin PeşindeMehmet Dilbaz · Timaş Yayınları · 201979 okunma
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