
There was a boy in Simon's room. A boy with slick, black hair and cold, grey eyes. He was spinning around, holding a cat high in the air while a girl jumped and clutched at it. "Give it back," the girl said. "You'll hurt him." The boy laughed and held the cat higher - then noticed Simon standing in the doorway and stopped, his face sharpening. "Hullo," the dark-haired boy said, letting the cat drop to the floor. It landed on four feet and ran from the room. The girl ran after it. The boy ignored them, rugging his school jacket neatly into place and smiling with the left side of his mouth. "I know you. You're Simon Snow... the Mage's Heir." He held out his hand smugly. "I'm Tyrannus Basilton Pitch But you can call me Baz - we're going to be roommates." Simon scowled and ignored the boy's pale hand. "What did you think you were doing with here cat?"
Sayfa 13
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summer okurunun profil resmi
augustine okurunun profil resmi
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