
308 syf.
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An autobiography for #living. The struggle for survival of a person seeking his freedom by escaping from North Korea and the captive life imposed on him, hunger, injustice and unfairness. It's a complete tragedy. The story of a girl who engraved the concept of 'refugee' in the human mind and soul with her experiences. He took refuge in China by crossing an icy river from North Korea, spent two years in captivity in the hands of human traffickers, crossed the Gobi desert and reached Mongolia, thinking it was either freedom or death, and was accepted as a refugee in South Korea. Throughout all these processes. Yeonmi Park is an example of a struggle who has revealed her experiences in all their nakedness and managed to turn people's eyes to the North Korean dictatorship and human trafficking in China with her stories. After finishing the book, I watched a few of his interviews on YouTube and once again admired the power of the human instinct for survival. It is my recommendation.
Yaşamak İçin
Yaşamak İçinYeonmi Park · Mona · 2018134 okunma
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