
592 syf.
2/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
Worst book I have read so far in 2019. Such a disappointment. First 120 pages, Dalio's biography, were boring, written too mechanically compared to other biographies written by professionals such as Walter Isacsson. The remaining parts of the book were awful. Literally awful. Most of the recommendations were extremely evident. And as if it was written by a robot. Or let me put it this way. I felt like I read the Excel manual. Also, there is too much repetition in the book. Can somebody tell Dalio that it is one of the biggest sins. The content shall be MECE (Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive). I am really surprised that this book was one of Bill Gate's favorites. Don't waste your time. There is not much wisdom in this book. Too basic, too vague, too wishy washy...
Principles - Life and Work
Principles - Life and WorkRay Dalio · Simon and Schuster · 201747 okunma
735 görüntüleme
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