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It is unknown how many breaths are needed to describe the universe, but when the formation of the universe is considered, the length of a human life may not even be considered a breath time. If you are interested in astronomy and want to gain basic knowledge, but also want to read something about the history of science, this book may be the right place. The book, which consists of six chapters, describes the universe from this speck of dust we are in, starting from the early periods of astronomy and extending to the Sun, Earth and Moon, the Solar system, stars, galaxies and the universe. A wonderful journey awaits the reader. Let me add here something that comes to my mind when astronomy is mentioned. Carl Sagan's "Pale Blue Dot" I recommend you to listen to the audio recording on YouTube; Of course, along with the story of this naming.
Bir Nefeste Evren
Bir Nefeste EvrenColin Stuart · Maya Kitap Yayınları · 202087 okunma
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