
436 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 9 days
*(First of all Thank You kitap application for adding book on my request)* I am not perfect guy to review this book still i will try. This book had effected me alot in positive sense. Author narrated a glimpse of Shiva life in a more perfect way.The way Shiva started his journey with friend from mansarovar to melhua then to ayodhya and his desicion making ability , his passion for love and the way of looking what is right or wrong thats what i learned. This book was recomend by my college friend and i started reading it makes you to feel that you are in shiva world in the break time i used to listen to shiv tandav music (link below) what more you want to improve yourself.This book have effected my alot .i think book and this kitap application platform is enough to change or your improve life... Thank you everyone Your destiny lies beyond the mountains. Whether you fulfil it or run away once again, is up to you . Love from India ☮✌ youtu.be/hMBKmQEPNzI
The Immortals of Meluha (Shiva Trilogy #1)
The Immortals of Meluha (Shiva Trilogy #1)Amish Tripathi · Latest Edition · 20106 okunma
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