
104 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
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“There are many stories to tell, many people who want to hear the stories. But still, all the stories are connected to each other somewhere, just like the listeners..." This is an original novel where reality and dreams intersect, with multiple narrators, intertwined characters, and sometimes the character is the narrator and the narrator is the character. Although the author's unique style arouses interest, sometimes you can get bored with the chaos... On the other hand, the author's sincere, conversational style makes people smile. I can't say that I was very impressed, but I recommend it to be read by those who want to see a different style and look at the novel from an inside and outside perspective.
Düğmeler ve Başka Şeyler
Düğmeler ve Başka ŞeylerFatma Akerson · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 201625 okunma
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