
Benjamin Zander, conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, speaks often to business groups and typically takes them through a little exercise. He finds someone in the group whose birthday is that day, or the day before or after, and brings that person forward. Then he says to the group, “It’s Mary’s birthday! Sing her her song!” Without another word of instruction, the group immediately sings “Happy Birthday” to Mary. Then Zander says, “Well, that was very good. But you know what? I think you can do better. Now please sing it again, but this time—better. Go!” Complete silence. No one makes a sound. After several awkward seconds, Zander points out what has just happened: When everyone understood what to do, they did it easily, together, and without being led. But when they didn’t understand—when told simply to sing it better—they became paralyzed.
Importance of being spesificKitabı okudu
13 görüntüleme
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