
Bok yiyin!
She cut a lump from the still living organ and hopped to her feet. "I eat our white enemy," she screeched, "and thus I take her strength." And the mob roared, a terrible sound, as the old woman thrust the purple lump into her toothless mouth and chewed upon it. She hacked another piece off the liver, and still chewing with open mouth, she threw it to the crowd below her. "Eat your enemy!" she shrilled, and they fought for the bloody scraps like dogs. "Be strong! Eat the liver of the hated ones!"
Demet okurunun profil resmi
İğrenç. G.O.T’ta da vardı böyle bir sahne Khaleesi kalp yiyordu çiğ çiğ 🥲
Melike okurunun profil resmi
Mal bunlar ya! İyi bişey olsa yemezler. Sonra bunlar yüzünden yok covid belası yok bilmem ne bitmiyor.
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