
63 syf.
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Modern life is to be shouting while the whole society is deaf. Kafka was a very smart man. Because he was aware of what was important in this temporary world. He knew that the lust for money of the people around was killing them. In the story, the character could have died in the normal way, but he transformed his form and dead. Still Nothing has changed as a result. Why is that? Because the people around ignored him, they did not care of him at all. It was only important that he brought money. Actually, although the world is a temporary place, it is a spiritual place. It is a place where we discover or feel our feelings, our hearts. It is an experience platform where we feel our anger and sadness. Even when we say human, we use the word human to represent our emotions rather than our appearance, because it's emotions that make human beings human. It is not people’s appearances what make the world a world, but the feelings that make people human. The world is a temporary place yes, but the world is a place set up to strengthen our feelings. Here, if we condemn each other to forget instead of developing our own feelings, then our existence will be meaningless. In reality, yes, as Kafka said, then we are no different from robots, if we think of the world materialistically, then we become robots that really work for money.
MetamorphosisFranz Kafka · Karbon Kitaplar · 2016225bin okunma
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