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I kept finding an excuse to postpone reading this book, which was given to me as a gift by our school principal 10 years ago because I won a chess tournament during my middle school years. Maybe it was the right time to read it now, or maybe it was too late, I don't know, but all I know is that there is a huge difference between me before and after reading the book. I wish we could somehow manage to make everyone in our country read this book, which was also recommended by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. I wish we could at least somehow put into practice what we learned from this book. I would like to end this short article with Seneca: Why doesn't anyone admit their mistakes? Because he is still making mistakes. In order to explain one's dream, one must wake up; Admitting your mistakes is also a sign of healing. Let's wake up then, let's open our eyes to reveal our mistakes. Let's break this heavy sleep on our nation together.
Beyaz Zambaklar Ülkesinde
Beyaz Zambaklar ÜlkesindeGrigory Petrov · Antik Batı Klasikleri · 2013100.4k okunma
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