Alexander pushed his unruly black curls back from his face and said, "Well, obviously Richard will be Caesar." "Because we all secretly want to kill him?" James asked. Richard arched one dark eyebrow. "Et tu, Bruté?" "Sic semper tyrannis," James said, and drew the tip of his pen across his throat like a dagger. Thus always to tyrants. Alexander gestured from one of them to the other. "Exactly," he said. "James will be Brutus because he's always the good guy, and I'll be Cassius because I'm always the bad guy. Richard and Wren can't be married because that would be gross, so she'll be Portia, Meredith will be Calpurnia, and Pip, you'll end up in drag again."
“I think this cut might need stiches,” Scarlett said, yet as her cloth wiped away the blood it revealed a smooth line of unmarked, unbroken flesh. “Wait, I don’t see a wound.” “There’s not one. But that feels really good.” Julian moaned and arched his back. “You scoundrel!”
Scarlett and JulianKitabı okudu
For she felt humbled; and humiliation Is sometimes good for people in her station. It teaches them that they are flesh and blood, It also gently hints to them that others, Although of clay, are yet not quite of mud.
394 syf.
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1 saatte okudu
*spoiler* Hikâyemiz YobazTown adlı kasabada büyümüş Gracelyn Mae ismindeki kadının ve Jackson Paul adlı sexmachinein etrafında dönüyor. Bu kasabadaki her kadının ismi Rabia, Hayrünisa, Rümeysa vb. Müslüman isimlerin Hristiyan versiyonu. Herkesin iki ismi var btw like Ahmet Sait, Muhammed Selim etc. Biri size gerçekten sinirlendiğinde bu iki ismi
DisgraceBrittainy C. Cherry · CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform · 20182,059 okunma
Binlerce yıl yaşayacakmışsın gibi davranma. Kaderin üzerinde asılı duruyor. Hala yaşıyorken, yaşayabiliyorken iyi biri ol. Don't act like you're going to live for thousands of years. Your fate hangs over you. While you're still alive, while you can, be a good person.
I want more
And I want more of a good thing that makes me feel And you want all I have to give, sounds like a fair deal 🎶
Ben iyi biri olmak için çabalıyorum ve nedensiz kötü birine dönüşmem. I strive to be a good person and not turn into an unreasonably bad one.
Inferno, Canto 1
Midway upon the journey of our life I found myself within a forest dark, For the straightforward pathway had been lost. Ah me! how hard a thing it is to say What was this forest savage, rough, and stern, Which in the very thought renews the fear. So bitter is it, death is little more; But of the good to treat, which there I found,
Cape of Good Hope’da bir yetkili, babunlardan birini sıkça rahatsız ediyormuş. Bir pazar günü geçit töreni sırasında yetkilinin geldiğini gören babun bir çukura su dökerek hızla çamur yapmış ve çamuru adam geçerken üstüne fırlatmış. Bu olaydan sonra babun kurbanını her gördüğünde neşelenerek, zaferini kutlamaya devam etmiş.
I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away But baby, I just need one good one to stay
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