Taio Cruz & Flo Rida - Hangover
– Roger amcam söylemişti; Bir keresinde albino kutup ayısı görmüş. + Sahi mi? Kutup ayıları beyazdır. Albino olduğunu nasıl anlamış? – O siyahmış. + Sıradan bir ayı olduğunu hiç düşündün mü? – Boşver. -The Hangover 2011-
376 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Okurken cidden güldüren bi kitap değişik olaylarla bi çok yerde yaşanmış anılar var içki masasında o en çılgın arkadaşınızın anlattığı hikayeleri dinliyormuş gibi. (hangover filminin kitabı gibi sanki) :)))
Umarım Cehennemde Bira Vardır
Umarım Cehennemde Bira VardırTucker Max · Pupa Yayınları · 201524 okunma
Futility. Futility shapes the world. History is a story of futilities, progress is a sequence of futilities. “Development!” says the futurist. “Loss,” says the rebel. “Hangover!” shouts the moralist from the back row. “Failure,” says the angry rebel. “Time is grey,” he says. The Creator’s failure is an introduction to the era. (...) Who was supposed to know? Good people from all over the world came together. Teachers, writers, and migrant workers huddle in trenches… young soldiers desert their units. What beautiful songs they sing! Brave children are history’s favourites, so it seems to them, and they wave white flags with silver horned crowns. And they lose. Coups are crushed. Anarchists are piled into mass graves on the Great Blue. Communists, beaten back from the isola of Graad, retreat to Samara and become a degenerate worker’s state ruled by bureaucrats.
Sayfa 34 - Unofficial English TranslationKitabı okudu
The bursting of the Bubble Economy stunned the Japanese. After a four-year party, Tokyo woke up to a massive hangover of bad loans, bankruptcies, and its worst economic crisis since the late 1940s. The wreckage left by the Bubble's collapse exposed the seamy side of Japanese business and politics as never before. Rapid deflation of the economy was followed by nearly a decade of scandal: insider deals, influence peddling, massive bank fraud, mob-looted companies, and more. And, while there were plenty of independent crooks and corrupt politicians, the scandals showed most strikingly how far yakuza penetration of Japanese society had gone.
Bilgi paylaştıkça çoğalır.
Eskiden, meyhanelerin yakınlarında, gidecek yeri/hali olmayanların yatması için halatların çekildiği yerler olurmuş. Az bir paraya kişi kendini sallandırır, sabah mekan sahibi ipleri kesince kendini yerden toplayıp gidermiş. İşte "hangover" terimi de buradan gelmektedir.
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