544 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
6 saatte okudu
, savaşı, otoriteyi ve toplumsal normları çarpıtan hicivli bir başyapıttır. Kara mizahi karakterler ve absürt durumlar aracılığıyla
Joseph Heller
Joseph Heller
, varoluşçuluk, birey-sistem ve şiddetin psikolojik etkileri gibi derin temaları araştırıyor. Bazen zorlayıcı ve kasvetli olsa da, mizahi ve güçlü mesajı onu kalıcı ve düşündürücü bir okuma haline
Catch-22Joseph Heller · VINTAGE · 20043 okunma
Puan vermedi
Crime Monastery
"The Name of the Rose” which is a post-modern work was written by Umberto Eco in 1980. It is a historical murder mystery. Umberto Eco is a medieval expert. The author deals with the Middle Ages in a fictional structure, while at the same time providing real information about the state - church-sects, along with his deep historical research.
The Name of the Rose
The Name of the RoseUmberto Eco · Vintage Uk · 199212,7bin okunma
170 syf.
4/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
Machiavelli basically recommends/permits/legitimizes anything (using fear, force, hypocrisy, etc.) to remain in power. Although it is a recommendation book to the Princes/rulers, it does not contain the word "justice" once. The ideas presented in this book clearly represents the difference between the West & East. In the eastern
The Prince
The PrinceNiccolo Machiavelli · CreateSpace Independent · 201415bin okunma