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- " (...) The seventy-third sect is the People of the Sunnah and the Community. This sect consists of Hadith and Ra'y classes, except those who treat hadith as entertainment. The jurists (fuqaha), quran (Qur'an scholars), hadith scholars and theological scholars belonging to the People of Hadith of these two classes all talk about the Unity
İslam Şeriatının Özellikleri
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1. Islamic sharia was sent directly by Allah. He is Allah who knows the nature of His creatures more than anyone else. It is compatible with all human characteristics and dimensions; In other words, it has a structure that is absolutely compatible with human nature. This nature never disappears, its essence always remains constant and it constantly develops and shines in the face of developing events.
Sayfa 80 - Beka yayınları
Rönesans ve Reform hareketleriyle kilisenin,bir bakıma da dinin hakimiyetinden kurtulan,ardından sanayi devrimini gerçekleştiren batı dünyası maddi ve teknik üstünlük itibariyle İslam dünyasıyla arasına büyük mesafeler koydu. Hemen bütün İslam dünyası,batı karşısında askeri başarısızlıklarla sarsıldı,buna bağlı olarak siyasi,içtimai çalkantılar
77 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Öncelikle kitabın mülellifi hakkında kısa bir bilgi vermek isterim. Ali Şeriati kendisi İran vatandaşı ve Müslüman’dır. Kendini Müslümanların dogmatik kalan ya da yanlış anlaşılarak kendi içinde dönüp duran İslam anlayışının gerekte Avrupa’yı yakından görme fırsatları bulduğundan dolayı kapitalizmin(kendisi tabiatın belirleyiciliği der) 2.dünya
İnsanın Dört Zindanı
İnsanın Dört ZindanıAli Şeriati · Fecr Yayınları · 20174,973 okunma
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CALIFE: WORLD AND STATE ORDER The last but not least important public institution of Islam is the caliphate or imamate, which is synonymous with the state or government. The Caliphate is the basis of all other institutions, its indispensable part; Without it, all institutions lose their ground and support. The justification for the internal caliphate is, first of all, the application of the Sharia of the Qur'an to realize justice in the face of individual and institutional demands. Externally, the caliphate is responsible for the security and well-being of the ummah, calling people to obey Allah and his commands, and establishing a new world order based on justice and peace on earth. All these purposes arise from the existence of religious experience in Islam. The Caliphate is known to all Muslims as a necessary consequence of monotheism. Coming into the world created as a field and a malleable place for them to prove their moral worth by doing good deeds; People, equipped with all the necessary perfection, talent, capacity and authentic and always understandable revelation of God's command, were obliged to establish a culture and civilization in accordance with the divine model for the world and themselves. Since God's order and its practices throughout history have individual-social, theoretical-actual, material-spiritual, internal-external characteristics, Muslims will judge the conflicts between them with justice and equality, in order to carry the Divine purpose to the world and history. They must establish a common order that will regulate relations.
Sayfa 189 - İnkılab Basım Yayım 5. Baskı Ocak 2020Kitabı okudu