strange infattuation seems to grace the evening tide. i'll take it by your side. such imagination seems to help the feelings slide. i'll take it by your side. tick tac tic tac tic tic tic tick tic tic tak tak Placebo & David Bowie
Sayfa 99 - YKYKitabı okudu
'You know it's wonderful to see another world. It's entirely unlike anything that has ever come to your thoughts. And everything in it fits. You couldn't have dreamed it up yourself, but somehow it all seems to work, and each tiny part is related. Everything except me. If I had known I was only going to stay a short while, this would have been the most exciting thing I could imagine – a marvel in my life. But to know that it's for ever, that I'll always be here where I'm not able to belong, and that I'll never be able to get back home, never . . .'
Sayfa 41 - Faber EditionsKitabı okuyor
Let's start with a love story. Or maybe it's another horror story. It seems like the difference is mostly in where the ending comes.
"Funny how random it seems, our meeting people who later prove pivotal to our lives, who will affect or directly influence decisions that will cause our lives to change direction. Or perhaps it's not random at all. Can we sense that certain people might nudge us onto a path we consciously or subconsciously would have taken anyway? And so we stay in touch with them. Or do we have a hunch that some people might challenge us or force us off a path we want to take, and so we decide not to see them again? It's remarkable how important just one person can become in determining how we act in critical situations, just because we happened to consult that individual in the past."
Verso Books
It seems to me that the idea of something disappearing from the world and what that would really be like are two totally different things. It's not only about some- thing suddenly not being there-there's something else that can't be measured.
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