101 Amazing Facts

Jack Goldstein

101 Amazing Facts Yorumları ve İncelemeleri

101 Amazing Facts yorumları ve incelemelerini, 101 Amazing Facts kitabı hakkındaki okur görüşlerini , 101 Amazing Facts puanlarını 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.


610 üzerinden
1 Kişi · 1 İnceleme
55 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
3/5 Stars (%64/100) Pretty decent book. I finished it in one sitting since it was quite short and easy to read. The book is split into different categories (10 facts for 10 categories + 1 fun fact about Shakespeare). Some of them were not really interesting to me (such as sports and even music) but there were some I really enjoyed like Julius Caesar's bargain with the pirates or the facts about certain animals. Overall it is a good book and I got it free from the store. It seems the author has a lot of fact books about other things as well, it could be interesting to read those as well. Recommended!
101 Amazing Facts
101 Amazing FactsJack Goldstein · 20141 okunma