Kiss From a Monster Series

A Kiss From A Faerie King

Charlotte Swan

About A Kiss From A Faerie King

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When Laurelle is forced to marry a cruel prince in order to elevate her family’s social position, she knows her dreams of a loving marriage are best forgotten. However, one act of kindness sends her running from her royal envoy and tumbling head-first into the faerie realm. There, she is greeted by the monstrous-looking faerie king, Emrys, who claims she is his prisoner and he will be seeing to her punishment. She should fear him. Yet, when the opportunity to flee comes, why does she hesitate to take it? Is it because Emrys, despite the claws and sharp teeth, treats her like a prized jewel? Treats her with more kindness than even her own family. He tends to her every whim and wish and demands only one thing from her: to shed the shame she feels over her desires and be free. The king tells her that whatever she dreams, he shall make it so. Is this opportunity too good to be true? Can she trust what her heart is telling her about this faerie king? Or is she better off forsaking the untold pleasure he’s offering and returning to the human world?
Estimated Reading Time: 4 hrs. 52 min.Page Number: 172First Publication Date: 27 March 2024Publisher: Charlotte Swan
ISBN: 9781960615046Language: İngilizce

About the Author

Charlotte Swan
Charlotte SwanYazar · 0 books
Charlotte Swan is twenty-four year old, living in Chicago. When she is not dreaming about being whisked away to a world filled with magic and sexy monsters, she is busy being a freelance social media marketer and full-time smut lover.