A Separate Peaces

John Knowles

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Nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read. An American classic and great bestseller for over thirty years, A Separate Peace is timeless in its description of adolescence during a period when the entire country was losing its innocence to World War II. Set at a boys' boarding school in New England during the early years of World War II, A Separate Peace is a harrowing and luminous parable of the dark side of adolescence. Gene is a lonely, introverted intellectual. Phineas is a handsome, taunting, daredevil athlete. What happens between the two friends one summer, like the war itself, banishes the innocence of these boys and their world.
John Knowles
John Knowles
Estimated Reading Time: 5 hrs. 47 min.Page Number: 204Publication Date: September 2003Publisher: Scribner
ISBN: 9780743253970Language: İngilizce

About the Author

John Knowles
John KnowlesYazar · 3 books
John Knowles (16 Eylül 1926 - 29 Kasım 2001), b. Batı Virginia Fairmont, Amerikalı bir romancıydı ve en iyi A Separate Peace romanı ile tanınmıştı. 1945 yılında New Hampshire'da Exeter'de bulunan Phillips Exeter Akademisi'nden ve Yale Üniversitesi'nden mezun oldu. Southampton, New York'ta yaşayan Knowles, yedi roman, seyahat kitapları ve hikayeler koleksiyonu yazdı. William Faulkner Ödülü ve Ulusal Sanat ve Edebiyat Enstitüsünün Rosenthal Ödülü'nü kazandı. Daha sonraki yıllarında, Üniversitede ders verdi.