Ahmet Haşim: Şiiri ve Hayatı

Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar

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Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar; dostluk bağlarına, tanıklıklarına ve edebiyat tartışmalarına dayanarak inşa ettiği üç biyografik eserinin her birini, kişilerin ve hayatların farklı yönlerini merkeze alarak başka bir üslupla yazmıştır: İstanbul ve Pierre Loti’de Loti ile kent arasındaki bağlar; Yahya Kemal’e Veda’da şiir ön plandadır. Ahmet Haşim: Şiiri ve Hayatı’nda ise Hisar, Galatasaray Lisesi’nden itibaren ayrılmadığı arkadaşı Haşim’in hayatını incelikle anlatırken, hayranı olduğu şiirini de her yönüyle değerlendirmeye çalışır. Hisar’ın 1933’te, 46 yaşında vefat eden kadim dostuna duyduğu özlem de biyografinin arka planında hep varlığını hissettirir.
Estimated Reading Time: 5 hrs. 33 min.Page Number: 196Publication Date: January 2023First Publication Date: 1963Publisher: Everest Yayınları
ISBN: 9786051858098Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Ciltli

Book Statistics

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About the Author

Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar
Abdülhak Şinasi HisarYazar · 21 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar (Istanbul, 14 March 1887 - 3 May 1963) He spent his childhood in Rumelihisarı, Büyükada and Çamlıca. He entered Galatasaray High School in 1898; He fled to France in 1905. He attended École Libre des Sciences Politiques in Paris. II. He returned to Turkey after the declaration of the Constitutional Monarchy (1908). He worked in French and German companies, the Ottoman Bank, the Regime Administration, and after 1931, he settled in Ankara and worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He returned to Istanbul in 1948; He settled in an apartment overlooking the Bosphorus in Ayaspaşa. He was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Türk Yurdu" for a while (1954-57). He died of brain hemorrhage at his home in Cihangir. He started his career in literature with poetry, book introductions and criticism in the magazines Dergâh and Yarın during the armistice years. He became known with his articles in the newspapers Progress and Civilization from 1921 onwards; He wrote for the magazines Ağaç, Varlık, Ülkü and Türk Yurdu and the newspapers Milliyet, Hâkimiyet-i Milliye and Dünya. Although he is a writer of the Republic period, Hisar remains loyal to the Constitutional period in terms of language and style. All his works are essentially based on "memories". In his novels, he adopted the literary approaches of writers such as Maurice Barrés, Anatole France and Marcel Proust. Fahim Bey and Us, which won third place in the 1942 CHP Story and Novel Award, was translated into German (Unser Guter Fahim Bey, Trans.: Friedrich Von Rummel, 1956). Sermet Sami Uysal (Varlık Yayınları, 1961) and Necmettin Türinay (M.E.B., 1993) each have a book called Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar. After his death, Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar: Selections (Prepared by S. İleri, YKY, 1992), Past Tense Literatures (Prepared by T. Yıldırım, Selis, 2005) and Word Wrestling: "On Literature and Novel". He has published three more books (Selis, 2005).