Beklenmedik Keşif 1

Alpagut Budun

Hakan Yusuf Yılmaz

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Get ready for an adventure that you will follow breathlessly, the first book of the series. You will witness the interesting series of events that a selfless, low-ranking but high-business-smart and talented police officer, who is known for his success in the investigations he completed at the Istanbul Public Order Branch Directorate Homicide Bureau, goes through during a murder investigation to which he is assigned. You will get caught up in the flow of the story and never want it to end. Interesting developments of a historical nature that emerge unexpectedly will astonish you. You will witness together what this murder investigation, which took place right on the eve of a period of great changes, actually meant. "History is a mysterious book full of unknowns. Then we should definitely read this book before it's too late!"
Estimated Reading Time: 5 hrs. 40 min.Page Number: 200Publication Date: October 2017Publisher: Uyanış Yayınevi
ISBN: 9786059069434Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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About the Author

Hakan Yusuf Yılmaz
Hakan Yusuf YılmazYazar · 2 books
Polis. Eserleri: Alpagut Budun-Beklenmedik Keşif (2017).