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Ateşi Çalmak 2

Galina Serebryakova

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Ateşi Çalmak, Karl Marx ve döneminin belgesel romanıdır. Tamamı dört cilt halinde yayına hazırlanan bu büyük eser, biyografik bir romanın alışılmış sınırlarını aşan bir konu ve ayrıntı zenginliğine sahiptir... Eserin bu cildinde, Marx ve Engels'in birlikte mücadeleye karar verdikleri andan başlayarak, 1848 devrimleri sonrasına kadar uzanan çalkantılı dönem anlatılmaktadır... (Arka Kapak)
Nurşen Kocamaz
Nurşen Kocamaz
Savaş Çekiç
Savaş Çekiç
Estimated Reading Time: 14 hrs. 54 min.Page Number: 526Publication Date: 18 March 2015Publisher: Evrensel Basım Yayın
ISBN: 9789757837329Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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Erkek% 67.9
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65+ Yaş

About the Author

Galina Serebryakova
Galina SerebryakovaYazar · 6 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
He was born into a professional revolutionary family. Internal Affairs between 1917-23 He fought on the front lines of the war. After the war, Moscow University held the Workers' and Peasants' School. He studied at the Faculty of Medicine. He went to Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, France, England, Italy and Sweden, conducted extensive research and collected material for his studies. His works are largely the product of this research and observations. She focused on historical subjects, starting with her first work, Women in the French Revolution. The author's effort to process historical events in a literary style culminated in his epic river novel, Stealing the Fire, in which he tells the life of Karl Marx in a manner that remains faithful to historical reality and has a high literary level.