Autumn Journal

Louis MacNeice

En Eski Autumn Journal Sözleri ve Alıntıları

En Eski Autumn Journal sözleri ve alıntılarını, en eski Autumn Journal kitap alıntılarını, etkileyici sözleri 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
And knowledge is not—necessarily—wisdom; And a cultured accent alone will not provide A season ticket to Vita Nuova; And there are many better men outside Than ever answered roll-call.
Sayfa 43 - Faber and Faber LimitedKitabı okudu
I am too harassed by my familiar devils, By those I cannot see, by those I may not touch; Knowing perfectly well in the mind, on paper, How wasteful and absurd Are personal fixations but yet the pulse keeps thrumming And her voice is faintly heard Through walls and walls of indifference and abstraction And across the London roofs And every so often calls up hopes from nowhere, A distant clatter of hoofs, And my common sense denies she is returning And says, if she does return, she will not stay; And my pride, in the name of reason, tells me to cut my losses And call it a day.
Sayfa 44 - Faber and Faber LimitedKitabı okudu
I do not envy the self-possession of an elm-tree Nor the aplomb of a granite monolith. All that I would like to be is human, having a share In a civilised, articulate and well-adjusted Community where the mind is given its due But the body is not distrusted.
Sayfa 49 - Faber and Faber LimitedKitabı okudu
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