Avukatlık Rehberi

Avukatın Öz-el Kitabı

İbrahim Özden Kaboğlu

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Her biri alanında donanımlı ve yetkin hocaların aylar süren kolektif çalışma sonucu meydana getirdiği bu eser avukatlara meslek yaşamları boyunca ışık tutup yol gösterecektir. Yanlarından ayırmak istemeyecekleri bir kaynak, bir başucu kitabı olmaya adaydır. Her bir yazar kendi bağımsız bölümünü kendi tarzı ve üslubu ile yazmış. Her bir bölüm bu anlamda birbirinden bağımsızdır. (Önsözden)
Atilla Özen
Atilla Özen
Estimated Reading Time: 35 hrs. 57 min.Page Number: 1269Publication Date: September 2021Publisher: Platon Hukuk Yayınları
ISBN: 9786257603089Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Ciltli

About the Author

İbrahim Özden Kaboğlu
İbrahim Özden KaboğluYazar · 16 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
İbrahim Özden Kaboğlu, Turkish constitutional lawyer, academician. He was born in Borcka in 1950. He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Law in 1974. He completed his doctorate at the University of Limoges and Ankara University in 1981. He became an associate professor in 1987 and a professor at Marmara University Faculty of Law in 1994. In 2003, he was appointed Chairman of the Prime Ministry Human Rights Advisory Board. While in this position, he was subjected to physical violence while announcing the Minority and Cultural Rights Report, and a criminal complaint was later filed against him. In 2008, he was acquitted of the case filed for "inciting the public to hatred and hostility" on the grounds that the report had scientific content and did not encourage violence. He was expelled from the university while he was serving as the Head of the Department of Constitutional Law at Marmara University. He has been writing for Birgün since 2007.