Ayet ve Hadisler Işığında el-Esmaü'l Hüsna Şerhi (5 Kitap Takım)

Şahver Çelikoğlu

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Hayatın gayesi, Allah'ın rızasına ermektir. Bütün ibaetler ve taatlar, büyük güzel huylar, insan Allah'ın rızasına ulaştıran yollar ve vasıtalardır. Yasaklardan sakınmamak ve kötü ahlak da insanı Allah'ın gazabına uğratacak çirkinliklerdir. Velasıl Esmaü'l Husna'yı öğrenmekle Allah bilgisi kazanılır. Allah bilgisi, Allah sevgisinin tohumudur. Bir gönüle bu tohumdan düşerse filizlenir. O gönülde şevk ve muhabbet ağacı biter. Bu ağacın meyveleri vardır ki; kalpte, ruhta, elde, ayakta, gözde, kulakta, insanın maddi ve ruhi varlığında belirir ve olgunlaşır.
Estimated Reading Time: 77 hrs. 53 min.Page Number: 2749Publication Date: 1 January 2008Publisher: Marifet Yayınları
Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

Şahver Çelikoğlu
Şahver ÇelikoğluYazar · 7 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
He was born in Eskişehir in 1937. He attended primary school in Eskişehir Turan and İnönü primary schools. He graduated from the Art Institute. At the same time as primary school, he started studying theological sciences and teaching religious sciences. He received 21 years of private education from Hasib Sezer Efendi and Said Şentürk Efendi and studied tafsir, method of fiqh, fiqh, akaid, hadith, theology and literature. He received ijazah in the mentioned branches of science. He perfected Arabic from Cüneyt Ercin Efendi. He took music lessons from Sumru Oktay Hanımefendi. Prof. Dr. He was given permission to lecture on hadith and Sufism by Mahmud Esad Coşan Hodjaefendi. He continues his guidance work on the subjects of Sufism, tafsir, hadith, fiqh, belief and Arabic for more than thirty years, with books, translations and copyrights. WORKS: Self Discipline (Self Purification) Marifetullah (Knowing Allah) Muhabettullah (Loving Allah) Commentary on Esmâü'l Hüsna in the Light of Verses and Hadiths I-II-III Commentary on Forty Hadiths Unsectarian Movements & Heretical Sects Self Purification/Self Purification Commentary on el-Esmaü-l Hüsna in the Light of Verses and Hadiths 5 Volume Set Nexus Şemail-i Şerif Beautiful Ethics Pages (Radio Talks)