Aynama Çizdiğim Zigzaglar

Hamdi Sıcak

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Unutulmamalı ki kalp, düz bir çizgi olduğunda ölü; zigzaglı bir ritim olduğunda yaşamdır.
128 syf.
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Züleyha's spending a life in the high towers where she lived, never knowing happiness, was to complete her inner imprisonment. Züleyha falls from the heights she lived in and wanders around miserably with slaves and workers. Züleyha is world blind; But he started to see what comes from the unseen. He is wandering around the city with the hope of one day finding Yusuf, whom he lost, again. One day he will find what he is looking for. He finds it, but he realizes that what he is looking for is a lover beyond him. Rosy-faced Yusuf turned to her and said, “I couldn't marry you while you were married and I was your husband's slave. But I am free now. There is no obstacle for me to marry you now." Züleyha turns him down. “No, my love for you was a means. I reached the real lover. He's with me now. "I don't need anyone or anything in this world anymore." he says. Love is a ladder to reach it. Sometimes it's a long staircase, sometimes it's a short one and it carries you to it. Your heart may zigzag. It may come and go. As you walk towards Him, the lights may go out and you may be left in the dark. When you turn your head in the right direction with love, it sheds a light and guides you in the dark. A person should know what he is looking for in life, what he is turning to and what he can be happy and peaceful with. It should not be forgotten that the heart is dead when it is a straight line; When there is a zigzag rhythm, it is life..
Aynama Çizdiğim Zigzaglar
Aynama Çizdiğim ZigzaglarHamdi Sıcak · Gökkuşağı Derneği · 20112 okunma
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