Başkasının Yüzü

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Başkasının Yüzü Quotes

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Şu ışık denen şeyin kendisi şeffaf ama her ne hikmetse dokunduklarını bariz bir biçimde opaklaştırıyor.
Sayfa 13
Eğer o dondurucu yalnızlığın ısısı, bir milim daha düşse, beni bu dünyaya bağlayan tüm bağlar, çatırdayarak kopacak, nasıl göründüğü umurunda olmayan bir canavara dönüşecektim.
“We have coined concepts of succor, such as “All men are brothers,” but where is such a vast, imaginary repository of “brothers”? Wouldn’t it be more logical to reconcile oneself to the fact that others are enemies and abandon such highflown, misplaced hopes? Wouldn’t it be safer to hurry up and produce some antibody for loneliness?”
“Yes, what we call the goal of life is doubtless the consumption of freedom. People often treat the preservation of freedom as if it were the goal of human existence; but isn’t this merely an illusion, after all, that stems from a chronic lack of freedom? Since people make goals out of such things, they fall into the dilemma of talking beyond the confines of this universe; they become misers, or failing that, religious fanatics—one or the other, at least.”
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