How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Women

Beauty Sick

Renee Engeln

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So, many young woman today are strikingly bold in important areas of their lives, but still crumble in front of mirror. They fight so hard to be trated with respect, but seem, at least at times, to be willing to trade it all in an instant if they could only remake their physical appearance.
“We don’t see unvarnished reality when we look in the mirror. Instead, what we see is shaped by years of cultural input, comments from friends and family members, and inner worries. Artemis seemed to know, at some level, that her perceptions were distorted. But she also felt it was unfair of me to ask her to realistically appraise her body size. How was she supposed to know if she really was fat? Maybe she wasn’t technically fat, but she didn’t have to spend long on the Internet to see someone with her body type being criticized for being too heavy.”
Being Woman:
“I sometimes think I could take on the world, but first . . . Oh my God, my eyebrows need plucking And oh my God, my legs need shaving And my pores need cleansing and my skin needs toning And my boobs need padding and my hair needs combing
Beauty sickness steals women's time, energy and money moving us further away from the people we want to be and the lives we want to live.