A Selection of Short Stories

Beginnings and Endings

Jane Suen

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...life never turns out like you expected… A weekly ritual that turns into the surprise of all time; an accident that has a devastating effect on two lives in different ways; and a father’s heartfelt journey to tell his son of an important part of his past. All come together in Beginnings and Endings, a trilogy of short stories that will bring a lump to the throat. Grits Girl explores the beginning of a lifetime of love over a favorite bowlful of breakfast. The Accident is an ironic story of how life can change in the blink of an eye. In The End of Summer, two men come to terms with their past through an unexpected detour and the innocent joy of a child. Each story is layered with unexpected twists and turns, and there’s a bonus flash fiction, Pick Me, to bring you a smile that will last the day.
Jane Suen
Jane Suen
Estimated Reading Time: 1 hrs. 5 min.Page Number: 38Publication Date: 11 November 2017Original Title: Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories
Country: United States of AmericaLanguage: İngilizceFormat: E-kitap