Being You, Changing the World

Dain Heer
Being You, Changing the World by Dr. Dain Heer This is a very different book. It is written for the dreamers of this world― the people who KNOW that something different is possible―but who have never had the tools before.... This is a Handbook for Generating Infinite Possibilities and Dynamic Change. For you. And the world. Ten years ago, Dr. Dain Heer started as a chiropractor in California, USA. Seemingly successful and happy, Dain Heer was on the verge of suicide when he came across Access Consciousness. With this modality, based on question and choice, Dr. Heer’s life began to expand and grow with more ease and speed than even he could have imagined possible. This book is his way of paying it forward. 'Being You, Changing the World', provides you with a set of PRACTICAL tools and processes which can change everything and give you YOU, as you truly be. It provides you with a totally different perspective of BEING. What if being you isn’t about doing something differently or being better? What if it is about BEING the energy you be, in totality? And what if that can change EVERYTHING? Your life, your relationships, your money situation . . . And the world! Access Consciousness is a system for opening the doors to anything that is possible in this world. By giving you access to your knowing. By dynamically increasing you awareness. By including everything and judging nothing. Today, Dr. Dain Heer travels all over the world inviting and inspiring people to more consciousness from total allowance, caring, humor and a phenomenal knowing. His unique points of view on of embodiment, earth, sexualness and healing transcend most things currently being taught. 'Being You, Changing the World' is his eighth book. From the back cover: 'I am not a guru. I have no answers for you. Just questions. Only you know what is true for you. What I am inviting you to, is exploring WITH me. My own path to consciousness is on going, as is yours. I use these tools every day and I keep discovering what else is possible, every day. If you’re willing, this book can guide you to Being You. And Changing the World. Is now the time?' You can download an audio of the first chapter, read by Dain Heer, at:
Dain Heer
Dain Heer
Estimated Reading Time: 9 hrs. 4 min.Page Number: 320Publication Date: 2011Publisher: ‎Big Country Publishing
ISBN: 9780984508815Country: TürkiyeLanguage: İngilizce

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Ya bu gördüğünüz bir kitaptan çok daha fazlasıysa? Ya alıp kabul etmeye gönüllü olanlar için yazılmışsa? Ya içindekiler unutmuş olduklarınızsa? Ya sadece hatırlamanız için okumanız gerekiyorsa? Ya hepimiz uyuyan devlersek? Ya hepimiz birbirimizden farklıysak? Ya bu farklılık bizi Bir’liğe götürüyorsa? Ya bedeniniz her şeyi biliyorsa? Ya sizi
Kendin Ol, Dünyayı Değiştir
Kendin Ol, Dünyayı DeğiştirDain Heer · Bilince Erişim · 2011133 okunma
326 syf.
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Kitabı okuduğunuzda kendinizle ilgili anlamanız gereken cok şey olduğunu fark edecek ve fark ettikçe okuyacaksınız. Bilinçli olarak kendiniz olmayı seçmek ve hayatınızı kimin yönlendirdiğini sorgulayarak devam edeceksiniz. Kitabın içeriğinde yazan sorular aslında sizin kim olduğunuzu bilmenizi sağlayacak sorular. Severek okuduğum bi kitaptı.
Kendin Ol, Dünyayı Değiştir
Kendin Ol, Dünyayı DeğiştirDain Heer · Bilince Erişim · 2011133 okunma
326 syf.
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Ne kadar da güzel bir kitapsin öyle. İnsanın hayatına etki eden ,değiştiren, iyileştiren bir kitap. Enerji, acces ya da değişime açık olan her insanın okuması gereken bir kitap
Kendin Ol, Dünyayı Değiştir
Kendin Ol, Dünyayı DeğiştirDain Heer · Bilince Erişim · 2011133 okunma
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