Ben Küçük Değilim

Alison Inches

Ben Küçük Değilim Reviews

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8Out of 10
1 People · 1 Review
32 syf.
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"Little Winky is a furry little beast, but he has a BIG problem. Everyone asks him if he wants to go for a little walk or hear a little story. But Little Kirpık has a small objection. "I'm not LITTLE" Again, a book that I can't count how many times I read a day. My son's bedside book. You ask why? Because little Kirpık in the book has a complete 2-year-old syndrome. His anger, yelling and throwing his toys must sound familiar from somewhere.
Ben Küçük Değilim
Ben Küçük DeğilimAlison Inches · Mikado Yayınları · 20174 okunma